Friday, July 6, 2012

PBP - Intuition

Intuition is like knowing something without ever being told. It's just like a gut feeling, that's how I describe it. In my opinion, I think my intuition is pretty good. Most often, I just know when something is up or how a person is feeling if I'm close to them. I'm really in tune with my friends so it's easy to tell when something goes amiss. Aside from knowing what's going on with people, it's also possible to know other things like, you have this nagging feeling something will go wrong or perhaps that something will go right. I've actually experienced this before. A few friends and I were going to go out and have fun. Well, a couple of hours before we were getting ready to go, I was hit by this terrifying feeling that if I went out that night, something terrible would happen. So I told them I was sick and didn't go. Nothing happened to them but I felt that somehow, if I had been there, something would have happened. I can't explain it and to this day, I still don't know why I felt the way I did. Everyone can feel these things, it's just a matter of really listening to it. So my advice: Go with gut. It will never steer you wrong.

Blessed Be!

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