Tuesday, June 19, 2012

PBP - Drawing Down The Moon

Drawing down the moon is actually a relatively new term to me. I just recently learned a little about what it means. Simply put, drawing down the moon is invoking the Goddess. This is asking her for her help and/or guidance in anything you do. From what I've read, when in a coven, the High Priestess will often invite the Goddess to speak and act through her. She will go into a trance as this happens, allowing the Goddess to use her body and voice. I'm not nearly as familiar with this. I suppose it likens to something like her lending her power, wisdom or anything they may need and dispersing it through the Priestess. I believe though, if you're practicing alone, it's simply calling upon her to lend her what you need. From what I've heard, Drawing down the moon is an amazing thing and leaves with a feeling that is almost indescribable. I have never tried it, being new in my path. Someday perhaps, when I feel, I've reached that point, I'll try to do this and see for myself just how wonderful it can make a person feel.

Blessed Be!

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